Memory Verses - Bring these up during your week!
1st-5th Grade
"For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
"God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. ..."
John 3:16 NIRV
Theme Song - We will be worshipping to this song all month long!
What does Fill the Tank mean?
Each month our challenge is practicing a new Spiritual Tool. Complete the Challenge each week and put a ping pong ball in the tank. Fill the Tank, and we will have a party!
This Month's Challenge: Advent
Starting November 27th we are in the Advent season. The church is encouraging families to participate in two ways: an Advent wreath and/or Advent Adventure Booklet.
Advent Wreath
There is a great prayer and devotion guide you can download if you are doing a wreath.
Advent Adventure Booklets
We still have some Advent Booklets. The booklets include discussion and activities each week to involve the whole family. There is also some additional fun things for the kids.
For the challenge in December
If your family engages in either of these two ways each week, you can put a ping pong ball in the tank. We are hoping to fill-the-tank for a Christmas Party!
Prayer Calendars
Never stop praying. Help you kids practice daily talking to God with our monthly prayer calendars. Each day it gives them something they can pray about. Pick yours up on Sunday!
Events - all upcoming events listed at
Nov-Dec KidSing: Christmas Eve - Rehearsals (10:15-11am) Sign-up
Nov 27 KidsCom Does Advent (booklets available)
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Services @ 1pm/3pm
Dec 25 No Sunday Services
Jan 1 One Sunday Service @ 11am