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February - The Blast

Memory Verses - Bring these up during your week!

1st-5th Grade

"…live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. … " 1 Corinthians 1:10 NLT


"God, create a pure heart in me. ..." Psalm 51:10 NIRV

What does Fill-the-Tank mean?

Each month our challenge is practicing a new Spiritual Tool. Complete the Challenge each week and you can put a ping pong ball in the tank. Fill the Tank, and we will have a party!

This Month's Challenge: Worship in Song

Spend some focused time in worship by singing, dancing, or really listening to a worship song. We have a worship playlist that you can use (or choose your own song). We would like to hear about you spending some quality time focused on worshipping God during the week!

If you do it at least once each week, you can put a ping pong ball in the tank on that Sunday.

Worship Playlist


The weeks leading upto Easter are a special time to prepare your heart and mind. This is the season of Lent. Lent starts on Feb 22nd. We have a fun adventure planned. We will be handing out small kits starting on Sunday, February 19th. We will be releasing a video each Wednesday during Lent that will include a devotional for that week and a puzzle to solve. More info here! 

Prayer Calendars

Never stop praying. Help you kids practice daily talking to God with our monthly prayer calendars. Each day it gives them something they can pray about. Pick yours up on Sunday!


More info all upcoming events -

Feb 1 Parent Prayer @ 8:30pm

Feb 19 Lent Kids Become Available

Feb 22 Lent Begins. First Lent Video Goes Live

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