Memory Verses - Bring these up during your week!
1st-5th Grade
Live a life filled with love, following the examples of Christ...
Ephesians 5:2
"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord.'...That is what I am."
John 13:13
Theme Song - We will be worshipping to this song all month long!
What does Fill the Tank mean?
Each month our challenge is practicing a new Spiritual Tool. Complete the Challenge each week and put a ping pong ball in the tank. Fill the Tank, and we will have a party!
This Month's Challenge: Giving
In November lets practice generosity. We have three ways kids can give this month: Socks, Snacks, or Coins. Choose one to try each week and get your ping pong ball. We are collecting socks and snacks specifically for the organization Path Home who aid homeless families with children to get back into housing.
Give one of the following each week:
Snacks should be Shelf-stable snacks (cereal, granola bars, dried fruit and nuts, fruit snacks, juice boxes, etc)
Socks, all sizes
Coins (use this as a opportunity to practice and talk about tithe and offerings)
Prayer Calendars
In October our challenge was for kids to practice prayer on their own and we had a cool calendar to help with that. Although it isn't our current challenge we will continue to make these calendars available each month. Pick them up on Sunday.
Events - all events can be found at
11/6 Fill the Tank Party
11/20 KidSing: Christmas Eve - Rehearsals (10:15-11am) Sign-up
11/27 KidsCom Does Advent (booklets available starting 11/13)