About KidCom Services
We offer in-person kids' programming each Sunday.
9am & *11am Everyone ages 0 years through 5th grade
* During the 11am service we also have programming for Middle School (6-8th graders)
Everyone checks-in in the Lobby and then parents escort child(ren) to their specific room.
We divide up for different age groups. These are their areas:
0-3 Infants/Toddlers in the Nursery
4-K in Bible Adventure (Orange Room)
1st-3rd grade in Konnect (Big room)
4th-5th grade in The Loop (drop off in Big room, pick up from preteen room)
Morning Schedule
8:45am / 10:45am Check-In Opens
9am / 11am Music, Small Group Activities, and Bible Lessons
10:15am / 12:15pm Pick-Up
Our services includes:
crazy challenges,
Small group Devotionals
and poignant Bible lessons.
Well Child Policy
If your child is showing any signs of illness, including but not limited to runny nose, cough, or fever over 100°F; Also, if your child has had a fever in the last 24 hours, we ask that you please enjoy our online kids service instead of our in-person one. You can find all of our KidsCom videos on our Watch page.
Snacks get shared. To protect the safety of all the kids attending, we ask for your help by not bringing outside food into our rooms. We do our best to keep NH KidsCom a nut free environment.
Remodel News
The remodel is Done!
You should really come and see our brand new kids spaces. We are continuing to make improvement as well. New Hope really cares for our kids and families.
MASK Policy
We are masks OPTIONAL in all our classrooms. This is to align with recommendations by the CDC, OHA, the Governor, and surrounding school districts. Masks are still an effective tool, so If you are in a situation where extra precaution is necessary we encourage you and your family to wear a mask.
We will continue to support you maskless or if you choose for your family to mask, and we will still be making online content available for those needing more time. If you have any questions, please reach out.